Monday, September 23, 2013

September 23, 2013

Sister Moore's First Baptism!

Sister Moore is in Joao Pessoa!


Sorry this computer  is awful and I don´t have time to figure out how to upload more photos but here´s my first  baptism!!  Haha I don´t really feel that responsible for it  but Cleonice is really cool and right now we are really really hoping her family will be baptized.  None of them were at the baptism which was really sad.  They all know the church is true but there´s always an excuse to not come to church.  

This lady on my first Sunday who had never met me just asked me out of nowhere if I  knew Àlma Tem Paz (Be Still My Soul) and if I would sing it.  So this week I did, as a prelude and it really helped people  be quieter at the beginning of the sacrament meeting.. the week before EVERYONE was still talking all the way through the bishop´s announcements.  I don´t know why that has been my theme song but it´s sure a great one.  It´s also not in the Portuguese hymnal so I just happened to still  have the music from the CTM.

 My clothes have been working out okay but I really wish we hadn´t bought all that stuff at target.  Everything I need I can easily buy here and transfers will be really hard with more than two heavy bags.  Just advice for anyone who´s preparing to serve.  Also... CHACOS EVERYBODY HAS CHACOS.   My shoes have been okay and comfortable which really is a blessing because Sister Willette and  Johnson have been in the house not working for almost a whole week because of Sister Willette´s blisters.   But they are definitely allowed and recommended.  I don´t know how I can get some, because shoes will get stolen if you don´t send them one at a time. and I would want them to fit.  Also my watch is going to  rip in half in few weeks  haha.. but you can always find a watch.  White is also a bad idea.  

I am still very happy and am learning SO fast.   It´s still really hard to understand people, but when that comes everything will be easier.   I have a story that I´ll save until after my mission about not understanding  what someone is saying.... it´s a good one.  Pray for my safety :)

The mission just really hasn´t gotten hard yet, a lot of people say training is the hardest so I´m really worried about whether I´ll have to train in six weeks or not.  But I've just been counting my blessings and if nothing else I am already realizing how hard  I've made my life for myself.  I know after my mission  I will be a much better student, friend, and most importantly wife and mother. I just have nothing but hope, hope in happiness that is PROMISED to me, in a happiness that is forever.  Everything in life can let you down, people let you down, you can walk miles across Joao Pessoa until your feet bleed just to be blown off again by an investigator, but the Savior will always keep his promises to us.  Life is a lot simpler  with Jesus Christ and  He makes it a lot easier.

You should try to find the video for missionaries about the atonement with President Eyring and Elder Holland.  It has been a central thought to me so far in my mission.  Elder Hollands words are always in my head when he says ´´Salvation was NEVER easy, because Salvation is NOT a cheap experience´´  It is just such a huge thing to remember for myself and investigators.  Faithfulness in the church is not easy, many times things will get harder for the investigators after baptism.  But I´m praying to find the ELECT so that they will endure and really know what the gospel means and raise their children that way. 

I love you all and am praying for you!   Be good member missionaries :)  Just open your mouth. 

Com muito amor

Sister Moore

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